The Science Of Scientific Writing Set 2 Set 2 - Indicator words : 3 types of Indicators : Example : Exercise 1 : Exercise 2 : Exercise 3 : Exercise 4 : Exercise 5 : Exercise 6 : Final page Set 2. |
OVERVIEW: The way to well-written science
PART I: Paragraphs and Sentences... SET 1: The Parts of Arguments SET 2: Indicator Words SET 3: Refining Claims SET 4: Locating Arguments in Prose SET 5: Rationale's Essay Planner SET 6: Assessing SET 7 : More on Assessing |
Exercise 6
Sally the security officer was on duty when the diamonds were stolen. Many people consider her trustworthy, SINCE she has worked at the firm for 10 years. HOWEVER, Sally may have been tempted to steal the diamonds FOR she has recently had financial difficulties BECAUSE she plays online poker every night. Gloria says Sally didn't do it, BUT she is Sally's best friend. The safe wasn't tampered with, SO the thief must have used the proper key. CONSEQUENTLY Sally stole the diamonds, AS only she had access to the key.
Many barristers
have recently started using Rationale in the courtroom, to
help them present complex arguments to the jury.
No model answer for this one!
Content of this page drawn in whole or part from the Austhink Rationale Exercises with permission from Austhink .